CPH# JOB-2993472 - Central California Position - More Than $300k With $50k Sign-on Bonus and $50k Relocation Assistance
CPH# JOB-2993472 - Central California Position - More Than $300k With $50k Sign-on Bonus and $50k Relocation Assistance
Come practice in Stockton, within an easy drive to either Sacramento or San Francisco. This is a beautiful and highly sought-after area with a booming economy, endless opportunities for entertainment, cultural diversity, and natural beauty. You will enjoy the best that California has to offer such as beaches, skiing, and nearby wine country. <P>CompHealth has relationships with hospitals across the country and often know about jobs before they're advertised. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki at gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com or (954) 837-2697.<ul><li>Established and expanding organization adding physician to their program</li><li>Monday to Friday daytime hours with light call schedules shared among the team</li><li>PACE Program with geriatric patients from age 55 and older</li><li>See patients to increase quality care or post-acute to decrease chance of readmissions</li><li>Work with NPs and others on the team for overall patient care</li><li>Salary is more than $300k with $50k sign-on bonus, $50k relocation, and $50k annual bonuses</li><li>Open to IM, FM, or geriatric physicians; available now or 2025 residents</li><li>Stockton community with easy access to Sacramento and Bay Area communities</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $310000.00 to $350000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
CPH# JOB-2990291 - Hospitalist System Medical Director for an Established Program 45 Mins From Sacramento, California
CPH# JOB-2990291 - Hospitalist System Medical Director for an Established Program 45 Mins From Sacramento, California
Whether you are searching for a position in your area or in another state, we have professionals to help you achieve your goals through our relationships with facilities nationwide - in rural settings, small cities, and major metropolitan areas. <P>As industry leaders and Joint Commission Certified, CompHealth applies over 40 years of tenured experience to your unique situation, preferences, and goals. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com (954) 837-2697.<ul><li>Top hospitalist organization running programs in Northern California hospitals</li><li>Will be based at the program near Sacramento and oversee another in Northern California</li><li>Hospitalists work a 7-on/7-off block schedule</li><li>Medical director does 7 - 10 hospitalist shifts and admin/director to average 15 shifts per month</li><li>Should have 2+ years of director (or similar leadership) experience</li><li>Will consider board-certified IM or FM physicians with a pending or active California license</li><li>Total compensation of more than $350k with a full benefits package</li><li>Community is 45 minutes from Sacramento and 90 minutes from popular East Bay communities</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $350000.00 to $375000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
CPH# JOB-2988126 - Southern California Day Hospitalist Position Position Open East of Los Angeles
CPH# JOB-2988126 - Southern California Day Hospitalist Position Position Open East of Los Angeles
Come live and practice in this city east of Los Angeles. The Riverside-San Bernardino metro area is known as the 'Inland Empire.' It has more than its share of universities, shops, and great eateries, and offers easy access to LA. <P>As the premier staffing agency with unmatched capabilities and scale, CompHealth exists to help you achieve more success with less worry. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com (954) 837-2697.<ul><li>Join a premier organization running the hospitalist program</li><li>Established team of over 20 hospitalists with support</li><li>Opening for 7-on/7-off day block schedule from 7 am to 7 pm</li><li>Open ICU with intensivist support</li><li>No procedures</li><li>Open to IM or FM physicians with current inpatient experience</li><li>Competitive salary, RVU production incentives, and full benefits package</li><li>San Bernardino community located just 60 miles east of Los Angeles</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $260000.00 to $280000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
CPH# JOB-2939195 - Northern California Internal Medicine Hospitalist Position; Salary of $300k+
CPH# JOB-2939195 - Northern California Internal Medicine Hospitalist Position; Salary of $300k+
Whether you are searching for a position in your area or in another state, we have professionals to help you achieve your goals through our relationships with facilities nationwide - in rural settings, small cities, and major metropolitan areas. <P>Your CompHealth recruiter is your coach who will find the best fit for you and help highlight your strengths during the interview process. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki: gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com (954) 837-2697 (Can call or text)<ul><li>Join a premier hospitalist organization running this program 2 hours north of Sacramento</li><li>7-on/7-off block schedule; days with some night blocks shared with other hospitalists</li><li>Team of 6 hospitalists and 3 APPs</li><li>Manageable 10 - 12 patient census per hospitalist</li><li>Open ICU with telemedicine critical care 24/7</li><li>Hospitalists do most procedures and run codes</li><li>Open to internal medicine physicians including 2025 Residents</li><li>Northern California community with a regional airport; less than 3 hours to popular Bay Area cities</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $305000.00 to $310000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
CPH# JOB-2913527 - Nocturnist Position with Block Schedule in Southern California, East of Los Angeles County
CPH# JOB-2913527 - Nocturnist Position with Block Schedule in Southern California, East of Los Angeles County
Whether you are searching for a position in your area or in another state, we have professionals to help you achieve your goals through our relationships with facilities nationwide - in rural settings, small cities, and major metropolitan areas. <P>Your CompHealth recruiter is your coach who will find the best fit for you and help highlight your strengths during the interview process. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com (954) 837-2697.<ul><li>Join a premier hospitalist organization running this program in southern California</li><li>Nocturnist position with 7-on, 7-off block schedule with 7 pm - 7 am hours</li><li>Established program with 8 physicians, including the medical director</li><li>Reasonable admissions and excellent team environment</li><li>Epic EMR system, open ICU, no procedures required</li><li>Excellent salary of $325k plus bonus incentives and full benefits package</li><li>Open to IM and FM physicians available now and to 2025 residents</li><li>Located in community east of Los Angeles near San Bernardino and other large, well-known cities</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $325000.00 to $327000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
CPH# JOB-2905682 - Northern California FM or Med-Ped Hospitalist Position; Salary of $300k+
CPH# JOB-2905682 - Northern California FM or Med-Ped Hospitalist Position; Salary of $300k+
Whether you are searching for a position in your area or in another state, we have professionals to help you achieve your goals through our relationships with facilities nationwide - in rural settings, small cities, and major metropolitan areas. <P>Your specialty-specific CompHealth rep places your best interests at the heart of everything they do and pays careful attention to the things that matter to you, from the big, hard-to-solve problems to the tiniest details. </P> Contact Gary Nishizaki: gary.nishizaki@comphealth.com or (954) 837-2697 (call or text)<ul><li>Join a premier hospitalist organization running this program 2 hours north of Sacramento</li><li>7-on/7-off block schedule; days with some night blocks shared with other hospitalists</li><li>Team of 6 hospitalists and 3 APPs</li><li>Manageable 10 - 12 patient census per hospitalist</li><li>Open ICU with telemedicine critical care 24/7</li><li>Hospitalists do most procedures and run codes</li><li>Open to FM or Med-Ped physicians available now or 2025 Residents</li><li>Northern California community with a regional airport; less than 3 hours to popular Bay Area cities</li><li>Our services are free for you</li><li>We help negotiate your salary and contract</li><li>We coordinate interviews and help with licenses</li><li>Specialized recruiters match your career preferences</li><li>Experienced support teams take care of every detail</li></ul><P>From $305000.00 to $310000.00 annual<BR>Ranges shown should be used as an estimate and are affected by many factors including the critical need of the position, your overall experience and qualifications, and other considerations. Please reach out to your consultant for more information.
Hybrid Hospitalist Job Near Los Angeles
Hybrid Hospitalist Job Near Los Angeles
Brand new hybrid Hospitalist opportunity just opened up 90 minutes from downtown Los Angeles! A well-known Multi Specialty group is expanding its Hospitalist program and seeking someone who is willing to go to the SNF if the census at their assigned hospital is low or help with a post-discharge outpatient visits. Coverage and assignments to 2 local hospitals, no more than 15 minutes from each other. Submit your CV today if you would like to connect! Monday-Friday schedule, 9-5. No Codes or Procedures required . Top tier compensation package - guarantee base salary with production bonuses. 90 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. Earnings potential of $300k+. No nights, weekends, or call. Growing department with an abundance of opportunity in the future. Primarily hospital rounding, with some SNF and post-discharge OP coverage.
$325,000, Loan Forgiveness, No Call, and More
$325,000, Loan Forgiveness, No Call, and More
Clinical-teaching hospitalist position at a UCLA affiliated internal medicine residency program. 26 work weeks per year + 4 weeks accrued vacation time & additional PTO. It is possible to get three weeks off at a time, while only taking one week of PTO. Live in on of the sunniest cities in the country and one of the Best Places to Live in California (CA) by US News. You'll have easy access to museums, concerts, river rafting, golf courses, national parks, rock climbing, and more. Hospital Employee, Inpatient only. 7 on/7 off days. 1:10 Call Ratio. Earning Potential of $325,000. HPSA area Loan Forgiveness available . Signing Bonus available up to $20,000 . Relocation Bonus available. CME up to 1 week and money available. Up to 4 weeks of PTO available. 403B. Central Lines, Intubations, Running Codes and Vent Management Procedures Required.
Hospitalist and Nocturnist Opportunities in Northern California
Hospitalist and Nocturnist Opportunities in Northern California
<p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Sutter Medical Group is seeking Hospitalists and Nocturnists to join our program&nbsp;in the Greater Sacramento area.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">This is a great opportunity to work at any of Sutter Health&rsquo;s&nbsp;locations:</p> <ul style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; list-style-position: initial; list-style-image: initial; margin: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-block-start: 1em; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"> <li style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Amador (Jackson), CA</span></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Auburn, CA</span></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Davis, CA</span></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Roseville, CA</span></li> <li style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Sacramento, CA</span></li> </ul> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">​</span></span></p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Sutter Medical Group (SMG) is a successful, 1,100+ member multi-specialty group offering physicians the opportunity to build their practices within a progressive, financially sound and collaborative organization. SMG is recognized as a Top Performing Physician Group by the Integrated Healthcare Association. We place our patients at the center of our care by focusing on clinical excellence, teamwork, communication, professionalism and value.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;"><em style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;">Join us and enjoy!</em></span></p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong style="color: var(--color-neutral); font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;; font-size: 13px;">Flexible Schedule:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Varied number of shifts per month (1872 hours per year based on 1.0 FTE)</li> <li>9 and 10-hour rounding shifts</li> <li>9, 10, and 12-hour admission shifts</li> </ul> <p><strong>Competitive Compensation:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Productivity and quality bonus potential</li> <li>Shift differentials</li> <li>Guarantee with internal moonlighting available</li> <li>Signing bonus and relocation stipend</li> </ul> <p><strong>Generous Benefits:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Medical, dental, and vision coverage</li> <li>CME allowance</li> <li>401(k) match</li> <li>A positive work-life balance and Northern California&#39;s natural beauty and lifestyle</li> </ul> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ;"><span style="font-weight: bolder; color: var(--color-neutral); font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">Community Information:</span></p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Amador (Jackson)&nbsp;</span>is a lovely small community in a country setting with beautiful lakes, vineyards, and rolling hills. The area offers an abundance of outdoor recreational activities. Jackson is centrally located with easy access to metro and urban areas with a one hour drive to Sacramento, one to one and half hour drive to Lake Tahoe and a two hour drive to San Francisco.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Auburn&nbsp;</span>is a family-oriented community with an excellent school system. Auburn is geographically located Northeast of Sacramento in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Auburn is situated on the edge of the Auburn State Recreation Area and overlooks the beautiful American River Canyon which offers an abundance of outdoor experiences--horseback riding trails, running trails, trail hiking, white water rafting, kayaking, lake boating, river and lake fishing, mountain biking, and camping.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Davis&nbsp;</span>is a vibrantly unique, close-knit, friendly community and home to the University of California at Davis, a world-class university recognized for its School of Medicine, School of Law and its PhD program in biological sciences. Davis offers numerous intellectual, recreational and cultural activities serving a wide variety of interests. The Davis Joint Unified School District is one of the best in California. The city is also known as the &ldquo;Bicycle Capital of America&rdquo; and is committed to environmental awareness.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Roseville&nbsp;</span>is located in south Placer County and is just a short distance from Sacramento. Roseville&rsquo;s excellent school system and beautiful neighborhoods makes Roseville an amazing place to raise a family. It boasts a diverse economy with ventures ranging from technology, health care, agriculture and financial services. With an abundance of shopping, dining, arts, entertainment, business and recreation, Roseville has something for everyone.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px 0px 20px; color: var(--color-neutral); font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.8; font-family: Raleway, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: currentcolor; --tw-border-spacing-x:0; --tw-border-spacing-y:0; --tw-translate-x:0; --tw-translate-y:0; --tw-rotate:0; --tw-skew-x:0; --tw-skew-y:0; --tw-scale-x:1; --tw-scale-y:1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width:0px; --tw-ring-offset-color:#fff; --tw-ring-color:rgb(147 197 253 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow:0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored:0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; font-weight: bolder;">Sacramento&nbsp;</span>has been cited as one of the five most livable regions in America. With more than 2.1 million residents in the greater Sacramento area, the city offers a wealth of cultural diversity and ample activities, including museums, parks and historical sites, and outdoor activities (lakes and rivers, snow sports and beautiful trails for running, hiking, biking, etc.). Whether it is honoring its Gold Rush beginnings in Old Sacramento or cheering on its professional basketball team, the Sacramento Kings, or its triple A baseball team, the Sacramento River Cats, the city celebrates its past and present.</p>
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor (HS Clin, Clin X) - Clinician
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor (HS Clin, Clin X) - Clinician
<p>THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO (UCSD), DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS (http://www-pediatrics.ucsd.edu), AND RADY CHILDREN&#39;S HOSPITAL OF SAN DIEGO (http://www.rchsd.org) are committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body and seeks applicants for Clinicians in its Division of Vulnerable Children. We are seeking a pediatrician with a background in Child Abuse to provide patient care at Chadwick Center for Children and Families, and within the UCSD Division of Vulnerable Children.</p> <p>The Division of Vulnerable Children&#39;s Chadwick Center at RCHSD is one of the largest hospital-based child advocacy and trauma treatment centers in the nation, with a staff of 75 professionals (medicine, social work, psychology, psychiatry, child development, nursing, education technology). The Chadwick Center provides child abuse medical services for the entire county of 3 million, managing a 24/7 response to acute child/adolescent sexual assault and telephone availability to the community to triage forensic medical intervention. There is a daily clinic for physical/sexual abuse, neglect, failure to thrive and a health clinic at the County shelter for foster children. The division has a strong commitment to clinical care, teaching and multidisciplinary collaboration. Division clinicians play a major role in education for medical students, pediatric residents and fellows, and in planning for the annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment.</p> <p>Candidates must have an MD. Candidates must have or be eligible for a California medical license, and be board certified in Pediatrics. Preferred candidates would be BC/BE in Child Abuse Pediatrics, or have completed a fellowship in a similar sub-specialty within child abuse medicine field.</p> <p>Appointment will be at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level, in the Clinical series. The academic series will be determined based on the background and qualifications of the successful candidates. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and based on University of California pay scales.</p> <p>Review of applications will begin on November 18, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.</p> <p>Interested applicants must submit a CV, cover letter and a statement summarizing past or potential contributions to diversity (For further information about contributions to diversity statements, see&nbsp;http://facultyequity.ucsd.edu/Faculty-Applicant-C2D-Info.asp). Applications must be submitted through the University of California San Diego&#39;s Academic Personnel RECRUIT system at:&nbsp;http://apptrkr.com/900811.</p> <p>References (contact information or letter of recommendation) may be requested from all finalists.</p> <p>References (contact information or letter of recommendation) may be requested from all finalists.</p> <p>The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veterans status.</p> <p><strong>Requirements</strong></p> <p>Documents</p> <p>&bull; Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.</p> <p>&bull; Cover Letter</p> <p>&bull; Statement of Contributions to diversity - Applicants should summarize their past or potential contributions to diversity. See our&nbsp;http://facultyexcellence.ucsd.edu/c2d/index.html&nbsp;site for more information.</p> <p>&bull; Misc / Additional (Optional)</p> <p><strong>How to apply</strong></p> <p>&bull; Create an ApplicantID</p> <p>&bull; Provide required information and documents</p> <p>To apply, please visit:&nbsp;http://apptrkr.com/900811</p>
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Nocturnist Physician jobs in California
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